Peach Creek This Week!


I am excited to announce that I have a new book of poems releasing November 12 titled Peach Creek. There was a moment in the last few years that after looking over some of my work I said, "I write a lot about bugs. And birds. And other various animals."

Enter Peach Creek. This book recalls the bugs, birds, bats, and babbles of my local, boyhood stream. Peach Creek is an unreliable, free-verse almanac of the life we find outside, a comedic compendium of beasts, and an incomplete poetic bestiary of the Pineywoods of South Texas, the Arbuckles of Southern Oklahoma, and even the Deschutes River of Central Oregon.

These 38 poems explore themes of returning to nature, rewilding, the unavoidable proximity to bugs, and the simple consideration of the size of Blue Jays. It is a witty, honest, and accessible book of poetry.

You can pre-order the ebook now for Kindle and it will be delivered to your device on November 12.

Sidenote: As I am typing this email, Amazon is telling me that they won't have the print version ready until November 13. Booo. (It was actually my fault, but booo Amazon, booo.) So, stay posted on the print version. The print version will also be available at Barnes and Noble and other online retailers.

Thank you all for reading along. As always, feel free to respond to this email and say hello.


Mark Apel