Reading ebooks and buying your friends a coffee.
Hello Friends and Readers,
I hope each of you is doing well. There is a lot going on in the world right now and my wife and I are counting our health and safety as an extreme blessing.
I have a few new things in my life and thought I’d share.
In May, Lauren gave birth to our beautiful daughter. Every cliche about a dad and his daughter is true and I feel all of them deeply. Our girl is a miracle and a gift. Our days consist of staring at her and then getting little bits of work done here and there. It is all a joy.
A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from Amazon letting me know that my Kindle 3 Keyboard with built-in 3G was being phased out. Amazon, being the marketing geniuses they are, sent me a coupon for $70 off a new Kindle Paperwhite or Oasis plus $25 for ebooks. I jumped on the deal and am now a proud owner of a new Kindle Paperwhite. In a couple of weeks, I will send a more in-depth review on why I made this decision and how reading on the Kindle has been a dream. Also, I just read Klara and The Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro and not only was it a beautiful book, but it may be the quickest I have ever made it through a book. (I’m a slow reader.) Have any of you read this book yet?
To be more streamlined and writing focused, I recently converted my copywriting website into an author site. I hope you dig it. I will update this blog soon with the aforementioned Kindle update and an article on how I started writing my novel and where it is now. It feels good to give things a bit of a freshening up now and then. I hope you like the new look.
An additional feature you can access through my site is “Buy Me A Coffee.” Sounds weird and why can’t Mark buy his own darn coffee? I saw another author do this and thought I'd try it for myself. BMAC is a simple site for creatives to fund their projects. Instead of creating a Kickstarter or a Patreon membership with different tiers of support, you can now support my writing by giving as little as it costs to buy me a cup of coffee. This money will all go to getting my self-published novel off of the ground and into the hands of readers like you! Thank you in advance for anything you may give!
I hope each of you have a really encouraging week and you find some time to read something good. Always feel free to respond to me in the comments below with what you are currently reading or any other thought you might have!
Much love,